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Source : Google.A Cup of coffee and books = best combination ever! |
assalamualaikum and hai hai dear readers.
Perghh sbulan lebih tinggal blog ni.
i am the writer that love to post something randomly. seriously random sangat post dalam blog ni, trip langkawi tak habis lagi dah hupdate benda lain. muahaha.
i am the person who really loves read a book that related to medical student. the journey of their life, how they survived, about their posting andddd so on. actually, i'm not a medical student. there is no one who become a doctor in my family and even my bestfriend.
why do i need to read medical stories? this habit started since i know this person. There is something interesting about this person that i really want to know this person deeply. orang tua tua kata, kalau nak sesuatu, work hard to get it and to know this person better. Suhaiza memang macam tu, she will try so hard when she wants something. so bila dah start tahu journey as a medical student, i will understand this person more and more! Ahaha.
okay back to main topic, since i know this person, i read and read about medical student journey. lepastu macam ohh banyak sebenarnya blogger that comes from medical school. dulu dulu waktu matriks, blog jela ada stories pasal medical school ni. sape tak kenal Dr fatin liyana, Dr beni and tweetfamous, Dr Khairul Hafiz and ramai lagi actually. almost everyweek mesti baca blog mereka ni. oh yah, tak lupa blog Dr Harlina sekali.
But then, a year after i registered as university student, we lost contact to each other. the reason this happened is too personal to share. tapi tapi, since dah terpengaruh dengan bacaan medical stories ni, terbawa bawa sampai sekarang. Sape tak tahu pasal Diagnosis 1, Diagnosis 2, Tribulasi365 and Apokalips? semua tu cik jaja dah baca and addicted to the next book please Dr sekalian. the content not only focusing on medical sajeee, merangkumi semua genre untuk baca. it is all about life. your daily life. bila baca dia macam jadi ubat untuk jiwa, rohani. haaaa gitu.
Last two month pulak, cik jaja pi pelancaran buku apokalips dekat PICC, Putrajaya. Yes, memang tak plan since tade pun close friend yang memang suka follow series ni. So, one day my friend. Fatin Syuhada ajak to go there with there. Cik jaja on je and terus sewa kereta *i dont have my own transportation here* terus pi PICC petangnya jugak. Sempat la jumpa penulis buku Apokalips tu. 14 orang Doctors hokayyy. tapi tak ambik gambar semua pun. sempat jugak berdialog dengan Dr Fatin Liyana! She asked me, belajar mana and course apa then bila cakap Human Resource, dia cakap dia suka jumpa HR nak mintak cuti. Hahaha pun bolehhh Dr! Kat bawah ni gambar before majlis start, gambar dengan Dr sekalian tu ada dekat instagram, sini tak perlu upload kot.
with that, i really hope medical students who already have blog, please update because i love to read that, i love to know your journey as medical student.
p/s : no discrimination, i still read other blog as well since i really love to know other stories too. Blog yang cikjaja follow dah jadi keutamaan untuk baca, walaupun tak selalu komen. Gituuu! eheheh