who will fall in love with her scars ?
3:52 PM
Assalamualaikum, hi readers.
tetiba rasa nak menulis. waktu petang macam ni jarangnya idea nak datang. cuma harini terdetik sebab tertengok video ni.

Link video - https://www.facebook.com/trendingnewstodaydaily/videos/1077097749086999/ or click HERE
Deepnya wehh. tetiba rasa macam terkena. Yes, i'm too scared for having a boyfriend. no, im not looking a boyfriend but a husband. tp hmm content of video might be same when you are looking for a husband.
" because you are scared, you want to have a boyfriend but you are scared. you are scared because your standards are high. it should be like this. he might hurt me and so on "
Kadang- kadang tak paham dengan diri sendiri. tapi bila tgk video ni, rasa macam hmm ada betulnya. Sebab cinta ni indah, tapi kadang cinta ni menyakitkan bila ada yang tak pandai menghargai.
Allah knows what is the best for us. Allah is the best planner and He will create the best thing for us, for me. Have faith. Doa, Doa and Doa. Never under estimate the power of Doa. Tengah happy pun berdoa lah, tengah sakit pun berdoa lah dan tengah kecewa pun berdoa lah. Even tade sape yang dengar, Allah masih ada untuk dengar rintihan kita.
Tak tahu kenapa, cikja rasa sedih, sebak and semua (mixed feeling). Please dear heart, keep strong.
p/s : 'While they all fall in love with her smile, she waits for the one who will fall in love with her scars'
the time will come.. insyallah. at the moment enjoy sepuas2nya.. hehe..
ReplyDeleteyes and still in trying to muhasabah diri dlu. thank you siti :)
DeleteIngat..apa masalah pun..allah sentiasa ada..mengadu kepada allah..dia akan berikan yg terbaik..in sha allah
ReplyDeleteKannn, Allah tempat sebaik-baik untuk mengadu. InsyaAllah :)
ReplyDeleteSalam singgah dan follow sini :)
ReplyDeleteHello There! :)